 CHEN Zhihui XIAO Shiguo.Mechanical Properties of Coarse-grained Soils in Red-bed Deposits under Triaxial Loading and Unloading Conditions in Southwest China[J].HIGH SPEED RAILWAY TECHNOLOGY,2024,15(06):15-20.[doi:10.12098/j.issn.1674-8247.2024.06.003]





Mechanical Properties of Coarse-grained Soils in Red-bed Deposits under Triaxial Loading and Unloading Conditions in Southwest China
(1.西南交通大学, 成都 610031; 2.西南交通大学高速铁路线路工程教育部重点实验室, 成都 610031)
CHEN Zhihui1 XIAO Shiguo2
(1.Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031,China; 2.MOE Key Laboratory of High-speed Railway Engineering,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu 610031,China)
红层堆积体 粗粒土 三轴压缩试验 Duncan-Chang模型 加卸载过程
Key words:red-bed deposits coarse-grained soil triaxial compression test Duncan-Chang model loading-unloading process
为研究红层堆积体粗粒土在三轴加卸载条件下的力学性质,对四川地区某边坡红层堆积体的 2 种粗粒土样进行了加载-卸载-再加载的三轴压缩试验,得到了试样在不同加卸载条件下的强度与变形特性,揭示了卸载回弹模量特征及其与围压、卸载应力水平之间的关系。试验结果表明:(1)所采用的红层堆积体粗粒土样,在三轴压缩条件下,呈现Duncan-Chang本构模型特征;(2)基于标准大气压的归一化卸载回弹模量与归一化围压之间呈现线性正相关性;(3)卸载阶段表征回弹模量的无量纲系数nur与加载阶段表征初始切线模量的无量纲系数n并不相等;(4)对卸载回弹模量的影响而言,围压与卸载应力水平之间不存在共线性,且围压影响较大;(5)试样粗粒土的回弹模量约为初始切线模量的3.5~4倍,明显大于既有的黏土相应值。研究结果可对红层堆积体粗粒土力学性质的认识提供重要参考。
To investigate the mechanical properties of coarse-grained soil in red-bed deposits under triaxial loading and unloading conditions, triaxial compression tests involving loading-unloading-reloading cycles were conducted on two types of coarse-grained soil samples from a slope featuring red-bed deposits in Sichuan Province. The tests yielded strength and deformation characteristics of the specimens under various loading and unloading scenarios, revealing the features of unload recovery modulus and its relationship with confining pressure and stress levels during unloading. The results indicate that:(1)The coarse-grained soil samples from the studied red bed deposits exhibit characteristics consistent with the Duncan-Chang constitutive model under triaxial compression.(2)The normalized unload recovery modulus, based on standard atmospheric pressure, exhibits a positive linear correlation with the normalized confining pressure.(3)The dimensionless coefficient nur representing the unloading rebound modulus during the unloading phase is not equal to the dimensionless coefficient n characterizing the initial tangent modulus during the loading phase.(4)With regard to the influence on the unloading rebound modulus, there is no collinearity between the confining pressure and the stress level during unloading, with the confining pressure having a more significant effect.(5)The rebound modulus of the tested coarse-grained soil samples is approximately 3.5 to 4 times that of the initial tangent modulus, significantly greater than the corresponding values for clays. These findings provide valuable insights into the understanding of the mechanical properties of coarse-grained soils in red-bed deposits.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-12-15