YAO Yuchun,LI Anhong,YUAN Biyu.Study on Key Technology for Subgrade Design of High Speed Railway around Hainan Island[J].HIGH SPEED RAILWAY TECHNOLOGY,2020,11(04):6-12,32.[doi:10.12098/j.issn.1674-8247.2020.04.002]
- 卷:
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- Title:
Study on Key Technology for Subgrade Design of High Speed Railway around Hainan Island
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
姚裕春; 李安洪; 袁碧玉
1. 中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司, 成都 610031;
2. 成都信息工程大学, 成都 610103
- Author(s):
YAO Yuchun; LI Anhong; YUAN Biyu
1. China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610031, China;
2. Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu 610103, China
- 关键词:
- Keywords:
Hainan Island|high-speed railway|subgrade|granite|completely-weathered layer|foundation treatment|slope protection|subgrade filler
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
海南环岛高速铁路是世界上首条环岛海洋旅游铁路,地处热带北缘,属热带季风气候,年降水量1 000~2 600 mm,且台风登陆较为频繁,铁路建设需解决强降雨、强台风路基边坡的加固防护技术问题;海南岛地基土层为花岗岩全风化层,铁路建设需解决路基的地基处理技术问题;加之铁路沿线优质填料缺乏,还需解决花岗岩全风化层作为路基填料的改良技术问题。本文针对三大主要关键技术开展了系统研究,研究结果表明:(1)花岗岩全风化层地基土压缩系数在0.141~0.284 MPa-1之间,为中低压缩土,地基具有快速收敛的特性,施工+放置期的沉降完成比例可达75%~90%;(2)控制路基填筑速率并放置3~6个月后,有砟轨道一般地段地基可不作处理,高填方地段和过渡段地基需进行浅层处理;无砟轨道一般地段需采用CFG桩加固地基浅层5~8m范围,高填方地段和过渡段需加大CFG桩地基处理深度,且宜结合堆载预压措施;(3)强降雨、强台风路基宜采用小间距骨架结合草本植物及灌木的措施进行边坡防护,路堤边坡迎风面路肩宜选择银合欢结合茎秆柔韧、冠幅不大的低矮灌木;(4)花岗岩全风化层掺5%和3%的水泥进行改良,可满足高速铁路基床底层和路堤本体的填料要求,填筑高度大于3 m的边坡,宜采用土工格栅防护并加强路基排水,改良土不宜用作浸水路基填料。研究成果可为类似工程提供借鉴指导。
- Abstract:
Hainan high speed railway around the island is the first ocean tourism railway in the world. Hainan Island is located in the northern edge of the tropics, with a tropical monsoon climate, where the annual precipitation is 1 000~2 600 mm and the typhoon lands frequently. The railway construction needs to solve the technical problems of reinforcement and protection of subgrade slope under the condition of strong rainfall and typhoon. The foundation soil layer of Hainan Island is mainly completely-weathered granite layer. It is necessary to solve the foundation treatment technology problem of the subgrade in the railway construction, in addition, due to the lack of high-quality fillers along the railway, it is necessary to solve the improvement technology problem of completely-weathered granite layer as subgrade fillers. To solve the three key problems, a systematic study is carried out, and the results show that: (1) The compression coefficient of the completely-weathered granite foundation soil is about 0.141 to 0.284 MPa-1. The foundation soil is low-medium compressed one. The foundation has the characteristics of rapid convergence, and the settlement completion ratio during the construction and placement period can reach 75%~90%. (2) After controlling the filling rate of subgrade and placing it for 3~6 months, generally, the foundation in the general section of ballasted track cannot be treated, and the foundation in the high filling section and the transition section needs to be treated in the shallow layer. In the general section of ballastless track, CFG pile needs to be used to strengthen the range of 5~8 m of foundation shallow layer, the treatment depth of CFG pile foundation should be increased in the high filling section and transition section in combination with the preloading measures. (3) For subgrade in the area where there are strong rainfall and typhoon, small spacing framework shall be used in combination with herbage and shrub measures for slope protection, and for shoulder of windward side of embankment slope, low shrubs with flexible stems and small crown shall be selected. (4) The completely-weathered granite layer is improved by adding 5% and 3% cement, which can meet the requirements of filling for the bottom layer of subgrade bed and embankment body of high-speed railway. The side slope with filling height greater than 3 m should be protected by geogrid and the drainage of subgrade should be strengthened. The improved soil should not be used as the filling material for immersed subgrade. The research results can provide a good reference and guidance for similar projects.
- 备注/Memo:
作者简介:姚裕春(1974-),男,教授级高级工程师。引文格式:姚裕春, 李安洪, 袁碧玉. 海南环岛高速铁路路基设计关键技术研究分析[J].高速铁路技术, 2020, 11(4):6-12.YAO Yuchun, LI Anhong, YUAN Biyu. Study on Key Technology for Subgrade Design of High Speed Railway around Hainan Island[J]. High Speed Railway Technology, 2020, 11(4):6-12.
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