[1]冯读贝,曾庆华,陈以庭,等.400 km/h高速铁路穿越住宅小区车致振动响应及二次结构噪声研究[J].高速铁路技术,2021,12(02):115-120.[doi:10.12098/j.issn.1674-8247.2021.02.020]
FENG Dubei,ZENG Qinghua,CHEN Yiting,et al.Research on Train-induced Vibration Response and Secondary Structure-borne Noise-Based on a 400 km/h High-speed Railway Passing beneath a Residential Area[J].HIGH SPEED RAILWAY TECHNOLOGY,2021,12(02):115-120.[doi:10.12098/j.issn.1674-8247.2021.02.020]
400 km/h高速铁路穿越住宅小区车致振动响应及二次结构噪声研究(
- 卷:
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- Title:
Research on Train-induced Vibration Response and Secondary Structure-borne Noise-Based on a 400 km/h High-speed Railway Passing beneath a Residential Area
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
冯读贝; 曾庆华; 陈以庭; 刘舫泊
中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司, 成都 610031
- Author(s):
FENG Dubei; ZENG Qinghua; CHEN Yiting; LIU Fangbo
China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610031, China
- 关键词:
成渝中线|400 km/h高速铁路|车致振动|二次结构噪声
- Keywords:
Second Chengdu-Chongqing High-speed Railway|400 km/h high-speed railway|train-induced vibration|secondary structure-borne noise
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
新建成渝中线以400 km/h下穿通过某住宅小区,目前尚无400 km/h高速铁路下穿居民区运营的先例,为研究列车高速运行引起的振动与二次结构噪声对住宅小区居民舒适度的影响,本文建立列车-轨道-隧道-大地-建筑物三维相互作用模型,探究不同埋深条件下建筑物振动及二次结构噪声变化规律,并给出成渝中线穿越住宅小区满足振动和噪声舒适度的建议埋深。研究结果表明:(1)成渝中线以400 km/h高速穿越住宅小区时,建筑物振动影响频率范围集中在30~50 Hz内,振动主频为40.0 Hz;(2)随着隧道埋深的增加,车致振动响应及二次结构噪声不断减小;(3)隧道埋深大于40 m时,车致振动及二次结构噪声可以满足JGJ/T 170-2009《城市轨道交通引起建筑物振动与二次辐射噪声限制及其测量方法标准》要求;(4)建议成渝中线穿越住宅小区时隧道埋深大于40 m。
- Abstract:
The Second Chengdu-Chongqing High-speed Railway is designed to pass beneath a residential area at 400 km/h. There is no previous case for reference currently. For this reason, we established a 3D train-track-tunnel-ground-building interactive model to study the train-induced vibration and secondary structure-borne noise at burial depths of 10 m, 20 m, 30 m, and 40 m and gave the recommended burial depth that meets the vibration and acoustic comfort standards for the Second Chengdu-Chongqing High-speed Railway to pass beneath the residential area. The study results indicate that:(1) When trains travel at 400 km/h beneath the residential area, the buildings vibrate at a frequency of 30~50 Hz, dominant frequency 40.0 Hz. (2) As the burial depth of the tunnel increases, the train-induced vibration response and secondary structure-borne noise attenuate. (3) When the burial depth of the tunnel is deeper than 40 m, the train-induced vibration and secondary structure-borne noise can meet the requirements specified in the Standard for Limit and Measuring Method of Building Vibration and Secondary Noise Caused by Urban Rail Transport (JGJ/T 170-2009). (4) The burial depth of the second Chengdu-Chongqing High-speed Railway is thus suggested to be deeper than 40 m when passing beneath the residential area.
- 备注/Memo:
作者简介:冯读贝(1991-),男,工程师。基金项目:中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司科技发展计划项目(KSNQ202062)引文格式:冯读贝, 曾庆华, 陈以庭, 等. 400 km/h高速铁路穿越住宅小区车致振动响应及二次结构噪声研究[J]. 高速铁路技术,2021,12(2):115-120.FENG Dubei, ZENG Qinghua, CHEN Yiting, et al. Research on Train-induced Vibration Response and Secondary Structure-borne Noise-Based on a 400 km/h High-speed Railway Passing beneath a Residential Area[J]. High Speed Railway Technology, 2021, 12(2):115-120.
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