[1]周和祥,李安洪,周成,等.400 km/h条件下现行路基过渡段设计标准适应性研究[J].高速铁路技术,2021,12(05):36-40.[doi:10.12098/j.issn.1674-8247.2021.05.007]
ZHOU Hexiang,LI Anhong,ZHOU Cheng,et al.Study on Adaptability of Current Design Standard for Transition Sections of Earthworks at Speed of 400 km/h[J].HIGH SPEED RAILWAY TECHNOLOGY,2021,12(05):36-40.[doi:10.12098/j.issn.1674-8247.2021.05.007]
400 km/h条件下现行路基过渡段设计标准适应性研究(
- 卷:
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- 栏目:
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- Title:
Study on Adaptability of Current Design Standard for Transition Sections of Earthworks at Speed of 400 km/h
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
周和祥; 李安洪; 周成; 李宁; 罗强
1. 中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司, 成都 610031;
2. 西南交通大学, 成都 610031
- Author(s):
ZHOU Hexiang; LI Anhong; ZHOU Cheng; LI Ning; LUO Qiang
1. China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610031, China;
2. Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China
- 关键词:
高速铁路|400 km/h|设计标准|过渡段|加速度|轮轨力|轮重减载率
- Keywords:
high-speed railway|400 km/h|design standards|transition section|acceleration|wheel-rail force|rate of wheel load reduction
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
本文针对现行路基过渡段设计标准(适用于350 km/h高速铁路)在400 km/h条件下的适应性问题,构建了过渡段车辆-轨道-路基耦合动力学模型,考虑轨面折角、路基刚度变化、列车运行方向等因素,分别在350 km/h与400 km/h条件下开展了动力学仿真分析。结果表明:路基支撑刚度变化对过渡段动力学性能影响不大,轨面不平顺对过渡段动力学性能影响显著,当列车运行速度由350 km/h提升至400 km/h时,其加速度、轮轨力、轮重减载率三项动力学指标均增大,但均未超过控制阈值。因此,现行路基过渡段设计标准适用于400 km/h。研究结果可为今后400 km/h及更高速度高速铁路过渡段的设计提供参考。
- Abstract:
In consideration of the adaptability of the current design standard for transition sections of earthworks (which is applicable to 350 km/h high-speed railway) at speed of 400 km/h, this paper constructs the vehicle-track-earthworks coupling dynamic model for transition sections, and takes into account the factors such as the angle of track surface, the change of earthworks stiffness and the running direction of trains, and carries out dynamic simulation analysis at speed of 350 km/h and 400 km/h respectively. The results show that the change of earthworks support stiffness has little impact on the dynamic performance of the transition section, while the irregularity of the rail surface has a significant impact on the dynamic performance of the transition section. When the train speed increases from 350 km/h to 400 km/h, three dynamic indexes including acceleration, wheel-rail force, and the rate of wheel load reduction all increase, but they do not exceed the control threshold. Therefore, the current design standard for transition sections of earthworks is applicable for 400 km/h. The research results can provide a reference for the design of transition sections of 400 km/h and higher-speed high-speed railways in the future.
- 备注/Memo:
作者简介:周和祥(1991-),男,工程师。基金项目:中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司科技开发计划(KSNQ202060)引文格式:周和祥, 李安洪, 周成, 等. 400 km/h条件下现行路基过渡段设计标准适应性研究[J]. 高速铁路技术,2021,12(5):36-40.ZHOU Hexiang, LI Anhong, ZHOU Cheng, et al. Study on Adaptability of Current Design Standard for Transition Sections of Earthworks at Speed of 400 km/h [J]. High Speed Railway Technology, 2021, 12(5):36-40.
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