LIAN Dong,HUANG Xingqi,CAI Can,et al.Mechanical Performance Analysis and Structural Pptimization of CRTSⅢ Track Slab Manufacturing Bench[J].HIGH SPEED RAILWAY TECHNOLOGY,2021,12(05):90-95.[doi:10.12098/j.issn.1674-8247.2021.05.017]
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- Title:
Mechanical Performance Analysis and Structural Pptimization of CRTSⅢ Track Slab Manufacturing Bench
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
廉栋; 黄兴启; 蔡灿; 杨显鹏
1. 山东高速铁建装备有限公司, 山东 潍坊 262603;
2. 山东省高速铁路CRTSⅢ型轨道板智能制造技术工程实验室, 山东 潍坊 262603;
3. 西南石油大学, 成都 610500
- Author(s):
LIAN Dong; HUANG Xingqi; CAI Can; YANG Xianpeng
1. Shandong High Speed Railway Construction Equipment Co., Ltd., Weifang 262603, China;
2. Shandong Province High-speed Railway CRTSⅢ Track Plate Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Engineering Laboratory, Weifang 262603, China;
3. Southwest Petrol
- 关键词:
- Keywords:
CRTSⅢ track slab|manufacturing|mechanical properties|structural optimization
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
CRTSⅢ型无砟轨道的平顺性、安全性和可靠性很大程度上取决于CRTSⅢ型轨道板的预制质量,其力学性能是保证预制质量的关键。为剖析CRTSⅢ型轨道板制造台架的力学性能,本文通过实验测试和数值分析研究了轨道板制造台架的力学特性,并对关键结构进行优化分析。研究结果表明:(1) CRTSⅢ型轨道板制造台架纵向张拉梁挠度最大值为0.01 mm,最大拉应力为36.6 MPa,最大压应力为19.3 MPa,满足装备强度和刚度要求;(2)台架底部增设4根体外预应力拉杆,可显著提高制造台架的平整度,降低翘曲变形。在上述研究基础上,本文还分析了CRTSⅢ型轨道板的失效原因,提出了底模板设置反向预拱度、自导向柔性橡胶套和设置柔性内衬垫层的三项结构优化建议。
- Abstract:
The smoothness, safety, and reliability of CRTSⅢ ballastless track largely depend on the prefabrication quality of CRTSⅢ track slab, and its mechanical properties are the key to ensure the prefabrication quality. In order to analyze the mechanical properties of CRTSⅢ track slab manufacturing bench, this paper studies the mechanical properties of the track slab manufacturing bench through experimental test and numerical analysis, and optimizes the key structures. The results show that:(1) The maximum deflection, maximum tensile stress, and maximum compressive stress of longitudinal tension beam of CRTSⅢ track slab manufacturing bench are 0.01mm, 36.6 MPa, and 19.3 MPa, which meet the requirements of equipment strength and stiffness. (2) By adding four externally prestressed tie rods at the bottom of the bench, the flatness can be significantly improved and the warping deformation can be reduced. The flatness of the bench for manufacturing CRTSⅢ track slab before and after the test is significantly improved. On the basis of the above research, the failure reasons of CRTSⅢ track slab were analyzed, and three structural optimization suggestions were put forward, including setting reverse pre-camber, self-guided flexible rubber sleeve, and setting flexible inner liner.
- 备注/Memo:
作者简介:廉栋(1987-),男,工程师。引文格式:廉栋, 黄兴启, 蔡灿, 等. CRTSⅢ型轨道板制造台架力学性能分析与结构优化[J]. 高速铁路技术,2021,12(5):90-95.LIAN Dong, HUANG Xingqi, CAI Can, et al. Mechanical Performance Analysis and Structural Pptimization of CRTSⅢ Track Slab Manufacturing Bench [J]. High Speed Railway Technology, 2021, 12(5):90-95.
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