LIU Hanlong,LONG Yonghong,DING Xuanming.Analysis of Settlement and Deformation of Composite Foundation Reinforced by Cement-stabilized Gravel Pile for Soft Soil Base of High-speed Railway Under a Complex Construction Environment[J].HIGH SPEED RAILWAY TECHNOLOGY,2022,13(04):8-12,54.[doi:10.12098/j.issn.1674-8247.2022.04.002]
- 卷:
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- Title:
Analysis of Settlement and Deformation of Composite Foundation Reinforced by Cement-stabilized Gravel Pile for Soft Soil Base of High-speed Railway Under a Complex Construction Environment
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
刘汉龙; 龙永红; 丁选明
重庆大学, 重庆 400045
- Author(s):
LIU Hanlong; LONG Yonghong; DING Xuanming
Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, China
- 关键词:
- Keywords:
high-speed railway|composite foundation|cement-stabilized gravel pile|complex construction environment|post-construction settlement
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
高速铁路软基处理中经常遇到施工场地上方存在高压电线、高架桥,贴近既有线或狭小空间等复杂施工环境,常规施工设备和施工方法无法满足环境的严苛要求,而浆固碎石桩复合地基技术可很好地适用于复杂施工环境的地基处理。本文依托商合杭高速铁路,采用PLAXIS 3D有限元数值计算软件,对浆固碎石桩复合地基加固的沉降变形进行了研究,分析了路堤及列车等效荷载对工后沉降变形的影响,研究了桩长、桩径及弹性模量对路堤沉降特性的影响,结果表明:浆固碎石桩复合地基处理后工后沉降满足无砟轨道要求。研究结论可为复杂施工环境下高速铁路软基处理提供借鉴。
- Abstract:
In the soft soil base treatment of high-speed railways, there are often complex construction environments such as high-voltage wires and viaducts above the construction site, and construction sites close to existing lines or narrow spaces. Conventional construction equipment and construction methods can’t meet the stringent requirements of the environment, and the composite foundation technology of cement-stabilized gravel pile can be well applied to the foundation treatment of complex construction environments. Based on a case study of Shangqiu-Hefei-Hangzhou High-speed Railway and using PLAXIS 3D finite element numerical calculation software, this paper studies the settlement and deformation of the composite foundation reinforced by cement-stabilized gravel pile, analyzes the influence of embankment and train equivalent load on post-construction settlement and deformation and studies the influence of pile length, pile diameter and elastic modulus on embankment settlement characteristics. The results show that: The post-construction settlement of the composite foundation of cement-stabilized gravel piles after treatment shall meet the requirements of ballastless tracks. The research conclusion can provide a reference for soft soil base treatment of high-speed railways under a complex construction environment.
- 备注/Memo:
作者简介:刘汉龙(1964-),男,教授。引文格式:刘汉龙,龙永红,丁选明.复杂施工环境下高速铁路软土地基浆固碎石桩复合地基加固沉降变形分析[J].高速铁路技术,2022,13(4):8-12+54.LIU Hanlong, LONG Yonghong, DING Xuanming.Analysis of Settlement and Deformation of Composite Foundation Reinforced by Cement-stabilized Gravel Pile for Soft Soil Base of High-speed Railway Under a Complex Construction Environment[J]. High Speed Railway Technology, 2022, 13(4):8-12+54.
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