[1]代丰,杨吉忠,冯读贝,等.400 km/h高速铁路车致环境振动预测方法和控制技术研究现状与展望[J].高速铁路技术,2022,13(04):36-39,46.[doi:10.12098/j.issn.1674-8247.2022.04.006]
DAI Feng,YANG Jizhong,FENG Dubei,et al.Research Status and Outlook of Prediction Method and Control Technologies for Train-induced Environmental Vibration for 400 km/h High-speed Railways[J].HIGH SPEED RAILWAY TECHNOLOGY,2022,13(04):36-39,46.[doi:10.12098/j.issn.1674-8247.2022.04.006]
400 km/h高速铁路车致环境振动预测方法和控制技术研究现状与展望(
- 卷:
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- Title:
Research Status and Outlook of Prediction Method and Control Technologies for Train-induced Environmental Vibration for 400 km/h High-speed Railways
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
代丰; 杨吉忠; 冯读贝; 陈以庭
中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司, 成都 610031
- Author(s):
DAI Feng; YANG Jizhong; FENG Dubei; CHEN Yiting
China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610083, China
- 关键词:
- Keywords:
high-speed railway|environmental vibration|prediction|frequency variation|control measures
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
随着市域高速铁路的快速发展,高速列车运行产生的高幅宽频环境振动问题不容忽视。本文以400 km/h成渝中线为例,分析了高速铁路车致环境振动预测对线路规划和正常运营的必要性,在总结铁路环境振动预测方法和控制技术研究现状及存在问题的基础上,给出了适用于400 km/h高速铁路环境振动预测和控制的研究方向,结果表明:(1)瑞利阻尼方式在低频无法足量反映土体对振动衰减能力,并放大了土体对高频振动衰减效果,更高速度标准铁路环境振动预测应考虑振动传递介质土的非线性特征;(2)城市轨道交通环境振动采取的轨道减振措施,具有易增加线路不平顺性、对低频减振效果不明显及工程造价高的特点,不适于高速铁路环境振动控制;(3)400 km/h高速铁路环境振动预测和控制宜围绕土体动力学参数频变特性、振动影响因素修正、适应不同建设条件和阶段的控制措施方面开展深入研究。
- Abstract:
With the rapid development of urban high-speed railways, the problem of high-amplitude broadband environmental vibration induced by high-speed train operation cannot be ignored. This paper analyzes the necessity of prediction of high-speed train-induced environmental vibration for route planning and normal operation with the case study of 400 km/h Chengdu-Chongqing High-speed Railway and gives the research directions applicable to the prediction and control of environmental vibration of 400 km/h high-speed railway on the basis of summarizing the research status and problems of prediction methods and control technologies for railway environmental vibration. The results show that: (1) Rayleigh damping method at low frequencies cannot adequately reflect the attenuation ability of the soil to vibration, and amplify the attenuation effect of the soil to high-frequency vibration, the prediction of higher speed standard railroad environment vibration should consider the non-linear characteristics of the vibration transmission medium soil. (2) The track damping measures taken to cope with the environmental vibration of urban rail transit, characterized by the easy increase of the track irregularity, inapparent damping effect on low-frequency vibration, and high engineering cost, are not suitable for the control of high-speed railway environmental vibration.
- 备注/Memo:
作者简介:代丰(1988-),女,高级工程师。基金项目:中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司科技发展计划项目(KSNQ202058)引文格式:代丰,杨吉忠,冯读贝,等.400km/h高速铁路车致环境振动预测方法和控制技术研究现状与展望[J].高速铁路技术,2022,13(4):36-39+46.DAI Feng, YANG Jizhong, FENG Dubei,et al.Research Status and Outlook of Prediction Method and Control Technologies for Train-induced Environmental Vibration for 400 km/h High-speed Railways[J]. High Speed Railway Technology, 2022, 13(4):36-39+46.
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