CHEN Zhixian,LIN Hongsong,YAO Li,et al.Dynamic Response of Wheel-rail under Tread Flat Load of Wheel on High-speed Railway[J].HIGH SPEED RAILWAY TECHNOLOGY,2022,13(04):47-54.[doi:10.12098/j.issn.1674-8247.2022.04.008]
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- Title:
Dynamic Response of Wheel-rail under Tread Flat Load of Wheel on High-speed Railway
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
陈志贤; 林红松; 姚力; 杨吉忠; 李忠继
中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司, 成都 610031
- Author(s):
CHEN Zhixian; LIN Hongsong; YAO Li; YANG Jizhong; LI Zhongji
China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610031, China
- 关键词:
- Keywords:
high-speed train|tread flat|wheel-rail dynamic response
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
本文采用多体动力学软件建立了考虑轨道及扣件系统车辆-轨道耦合模型,分析了不同扁疤模型、不同扁疤长度、不同车速下的车轨动力响应,结果表明:(1)对于二维扁疤模型,随着车速的增加,轮轨冲击速度先增大后减小,之后基本保持不变,产生最大冲击速度的临界车辆速度约为20 km/h;(2)对于二维和三维扁疤模型,随着车轮扁疤长度的增加,轮轨冲击速度、轮轨垂向力基本呈线性增大;(3)相同扁疤长度下,随着车速的增加,轮轨垂向力及扣件垂向力先增大后减小,并且在车速10~50 km/h范围内存在峰值,该峰值与扁疤二维模型仿真结果相对应,但是在速度较高情况下(150~200 km/h)还会出现一个峰值,且此峰值为轮轨垂向力及扣件垂向力最大值出现位置;(4)在扁疤长度为70 mm时的轮轨垂向力最大值及轮轨垂向力与静轮重比值均明显较大,必须以标准、规范等文件对扁疤长度进行限制。
- Abstract:
In this paper, a vehicle-track coupling model considering track and fastening system is established by using multi-body dynamics software, and the dynamic responses of wheel-rail under different tread flat models, different tread flat length and different train speeds are analyzed. The results show that: (1) For the two-dimensional tread flat model, with the increase of train speed, the wheel-rail impact speed increases first and then decreases, and then basically remains unchanged. The critical train speed generating the maximum impact speed is about 20 km/h. (2) For the two-dimensional and three-dimensional tread flat models, with the increase of the length of the tread flat, the wheel-rail impact speed and the wheel-rail vertical force basically increase linearly. (3) Under the same length of tread flat, with the increase of train speed, the wheel-rail vertical force and the fastening vertical force increase first and then decrease, and there is a peak in the train speed range of 10~50 km/h, and this peak corresponds to the simulation results of two-dimensional tread flat model. In addition, there will be another peak at high speed (150~200 km/h), and this peak appears when the wheel-rail vertical force and fastening vertical force reach the maximum values. (4) When the length of the tread flat is 70 mm, the maximum wheel-rail vertical force and the ratio of wheel-rail vertical force to static wheel load are obviously larger, so the length of the tread flat must be specified by standards, specifications and other documents.
- 备注/Memo:
作者简介:陈志贤(1995-),男,助理工程师。基金项目:中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司科技发展计划项目(KSNQ202059)引文格式:陈志贤,林红松,姚力,等.高速铁路车轮扁疤载荷作用下轮轨动力响应分析[J].高速铁路技术,2022,13(4):47-54.CHEN Zhixian, LIN Hongsong, YAO Li,et al.Dynamic Response of Wheel-rail under Tread Flat Load of Wheel on High-speed Railway[J]. High Speed Railway Technology, 2022, 13(4):47-54.
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