HUANG Shuqiang? NIE Xifeng? ZHANG Dajun? GONG Yajun.A Study on the Seismic Design of Asymmetric Continuous Girder Railway Bridge[J].HIGH SPEED RAILWAY TECHNOLOGY,2023,14(02):38-42.[doi:10.12098/j.issn.1674-8247.2023.02.008]
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- Title:
A Study on the Seismic Design of Asymmetric Continuous Girder Railway Bridge
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
黄树强; 聂细锋; 张大军; 龚亚军
- Author(s):
HUANG Shuqiang? NIE Xifeng? ZHANG Dajun? GONG Yajun
Guiyang Branch of China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. , Ltd. , Guiyang? 550002 ,China
- 关键词:
非对称铁路连续梁桥; 抗震设计; 时程分析; 摩擦摆减隔震支座
- Keywords:
asymmetric continuous girder railway bridge; seismic design; time history analysis; friction pendulum bearing for seismic mitigation and isolation
- 分类号:
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- 摘要:
- Abstract:
To investigate the seismic performance of asymmetric continuous girder railway bridges,a(44 + 72 + 72 +60 + 31)m continuous girder bridge was studied using a three-dimensional finite element model established with MIDAS/Civil,and three different seismic design schemes were analyzed through non-linear dynamic time history analysis,which involved inputting three seismic waves under seldomly occurred earthquakes. The study results indicate that:The use of friction pendulum bearing for seismic mitigation and isolation in the whole bridge can effectively reduce the natural vibration frequency of the bridge at all levels. The use of friction pendulum bearing for seismic mitigation and isolation only in the brake piers has little effect on the high-order natural vibration mode of the bridge. Both implementing friction pendulum bearing for seismic mitigation and isolation throughout the entire bridge or just in the braking piers can reduce the internal force of the pier body,the internal force of the pile foundation,the displacement of the pier top,the overall level of the bearing reaction force and the consumption of structural materials. Among them,the reduction of internal forces and displacement is most significant in the brake piers,and the variation range of the internal forces and displacement of the non-brake piers is related to the height of the piers,the layout of the bearings,and the mass distribution of the superstructure,reflecting asymmetry.
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