TANG Sicong,LIU Jinsong,ZHANG Wei,et al.A Study on Temperature Effect and Structural Optimization of Frame Shed Tunnel Structure in Extreme Temperature Difference Area[J].HIGH SPEED RAILWAY TECHNOLOGY,2023,14(02):64-69,74.[doi:10.12098/j.issn.1674-8247.2023.02.013]
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- Title:
A Study on Temperature Effect and Structural Optimization of Frame Shed Tunnel Structure in Extreme Temperature Difference Area
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
唐思聪; 刘金松; 张维; 罗禄森
中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司,? 成都610031
- Author(s):
TANG Sicong; LIU Jinsong; ZHANG Wei; LUO Lusen
China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. , Ltd. , Chengdu? 610031 ,China
- 关键词:
棚洞; 框架; 隧道洞口; 温度荷载
- Keywords:
shed tunnel; frame; tunnel portal; temperature load
- 分类号:
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- 摘要:
- Abstract:
This paper took the shed tunnel at the entrance of the Dagala Tunnel of Lhasa–Nyingchi Railway as a case to study the impact of external temperature change on the overall stability of the shed tunnel structure,and analyzed the changes of internal forces of columns,longitudinal beams,longitudinal connecting beams and transverse connecting beams when the temperature changes. The results show that:(1) The maximum deformation of shed tunnel structure increases with the increase of temperature drop/rise,and the impact of the temperature drop on structural deformation is greater than that of temperature rise. (2)The critical temperature change for the midspan bending moment of the longitudinal beam is temperature rise of 25°,while that for the bending moment at the end of the longitudinal beam,the maximum bending moment of the pile foundation,the maximum bending moment of the longitudinal connecting beam and the axial force is temperature drop of 25°. (3) The addition of the transverse connecting beam has little effect on controlling the deformation of the shed tunnel structure. Under the cooling effect,the addition of the transverse connecting beam will increase the bending moment at the end of the pile foundation by about 3 times and bears huge axial tension simultaneously. (4) The removal of transverse connecting beams can ensure the overall stability of the shed tunnel structure and reduce the additional internal force caused by cooling.
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