DENG Rui,CUI Jianhong,LAI Qingyong,et al.Analysis on the Characteristics of Debris Flow Disaster and the Geological Problems of the Dammed Area in Huahongshu Gully[J].HIGH SPEED RAILWAY TECHNOLOGY,2023,14(06):26-31.[doi:10.12098/j.issn.1674-8247.2023.06.005]
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- Title:
Analysis on the Characteristics of Debris Flow Disaster and the Geological Problems of the Dammed Area in Huahongshu Gully
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
邓睿1; 2; 崔建宏2; 来庆勇2; 唐鸥玲2; 刘瑞芳3
- Author(s):
DENG Rui1; 2; CUI Jianhong2; LAI Qingyong2; TANG Ouling2; LIU Ruifang3
1.Chengdu University of Technology , Chengdu 610059 ,China;2.China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. ,Ltd. ,Chengdu 610031 ,China;3.Safety Technology Center, National Railway Administration of the People’s Republic of China, Beijing 100160, China
- 关键词:
泥石流; 灾害特征; 危害评价; 堰塞沉积; 砂土液化
- Keywords:
debris flow; disaster characteristics; hazard assessment; dammed sediment deposition; sand liquefaction
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
After the Wenchuan earthquake,the frequency of debris flows increased for a long time,resulting in the formation of local dammed lake disasters,posing great threats to lives and properties of the locals,and to construction safety. Focusing on the debris flow of Huahongshu Gully,which was strongly affected by the earthquake,the paper comprehensively analyzed the hazardous environment and development characteristics of debris flow through remote sensing interpretation,field surveys,drilling,in-situ testing,and laboratory tests. Based on dynamic calculations,the new damming hazard of debris flow was evaluated,and the geological problems of the dammed sediment deposit site were analyzed. The findings indicate that Huahongshu Gully is a moderately prone,mid-sized viscous debris flow gully,with a dynamic stock volume of about 16×104 m3,a maximum deposition height of about 2. 82 m,and a maximum damming range of about 10 m. The debris flow dammed site covers a large area,and the main geological problem is the liquefaction of sandy soil. The results of the study can provide a scientific reference basis for the safety of residents and construction activities in the area.
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