NING Nan,SUN Yanpeng,JIA Juanjuan.Numerical Study on the Structure of Layered Limiters under the Impact of Solid-liquid Two-phase Flow[J].HIGH SPEED RAILWAY TECHNOLOGY,2023,14(06):51-56.[doi:10.12098/j.issn.1674-8247.2023.06.010]
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- Title:
Numerical Study on the Structure of Layered Limiters under the Impact of Solid-liquid Two-phase Flow
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
宁楠; 孙衍鹏; 贾娟娟
四川联畅工业设计有限公司,成都 610031
- Author(s):
NING Nan; SUN Yanpeng; JIA Juanjuan
Sichuan Lianchang Industrial Design Co. ,Ltd. ,Chengdu 610031 ,China
- 关键词:
电缆槽; 冲击; 分层限位器; 固液两相流
- Keywords:
cable trough; impact; layered limiter; solid-liquid two-phase flow
- 分类号:
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- 摘要:
- Abstract:
This paper applied the finite element software ANSYS to simulate the impact resistance of layered limiters in cable troughs. The dynamic response of the layered limiter structure was studied by changing variables such as the speed of the solid-liquid two-phase flow and the mass flow rate of the solid phase. The results show:(1)When under the impact of a solid-liquid two-phase flow,the larger the flow speed and solid-phase mass flow rate,the greater the average impact force endured by the layered limiter. This results in larger peak equivalent stresses,which increases the probability of irreversible plastic deformation in components.(2)Under different flow speed impacts,the displacement of each layer of limiter in the layered limiter structure increases progressively from top to bottom,with the displacement of the bottom limiter showing a multiple increase compared to the top limiter. However,with the continual consumption of impact energy during repeated impacts,the displacement produced by each layer of limiter gradually decreases until it stabilizes.
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