LIU Xiabing,MA Jianfei,SUN Lin.Study on the Reference Value of Surrounding Rock Deformation in Shallow-buried Super-large-span Four-track Tunnel[J].HIGH SPEED RAILWAY TECHNOLOGY,2024,15(04):94-99.[doi:10.12098/j.issn.1674-8247.2024.04.017]
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- Title:
Study on the Reference Value of Surrounding Rock Deformation in Shallow-buried Super-large-span Four-track Tunnel
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
刘夏冰1; 2; 麻建飞3; 孙林4
1.广东华路交通科技有限公司,广州510420;2.广东省隧道工程安全与应急保障技术及装备企业重点实验室,广州510420;3.北京交通大学,北京 100044;4.四川公路桥梁建设集团有限公司,成都610041
- Author(s):
LIU Xiabing1; 2; MA Jianfei3; SUN Lin4
1.Guangdong Hualu Transport Technology Co. ,Ltd. ,Guangzhou? 510420 ,China;2.Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Tunnel Engineering Safety and Emergency Support Technology and Equipment Enterprises ,Guangzhou? 510420 ,China;3.Beijing Jiaotong University ,Beijing? 100044 ,China;4.Sichuan Road and Bridge Construction Group Co. ,Ltd. ,Chengdu? 610041 ,China
- 关键词:
超大跨四线隧道; 变形控制基准值; 初期支护极限安全系数; 强度折减法
- Keywords:
super-large-span four-track tunnel; deformation control standard; initial support’s ultimate security coefficient; strength reduction method
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
To determine the reference value of surrounding rock deformation in shallow buried large-span four-track tunnels,a dynamic reference value system for surrounding rock deformation under sequential excavation method(SEM)is established,taking the ultimate safety factor of the initial support structure as the criterion. Taking Xiabeishan four-track tunnel as the research background,the control value of surrounding rock deformation under SEM is determined by using strength reduction method and actual measurement statistical method. The results show that:(1)the deformation reference value when using the three-bench method is - 35. 5 mm,and the deformation reference value when using the double side drift method is - 30. 5 mm. The construction method affects the reference value of surrounding rock deformation by varying the degree of disturbance to the surrounding rock.(2)According to the statistical results of settlement monitoring of 52 sections,the stable settlement range of the surrounding rock in the Xiabeishan Tunnel is 20~30 mm,which is basically consistent with the obtained deformation reference control value. The research results can provide reference for the development of monitoring and early warning systems during the construction period of similar tunnels.
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