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Analysis of Scour Impact on Longitudinal Seismic Responses of Continuously Girder Railway Bridges Considering Track Constraints
袁宇航1薛小强1吕 龙1刘力维2
(1. 成都理工大学, 成都 610059;2. 中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司, 成都 610031)
YUAN Yuhang1XUE Xiaoqiang1LV Long1LIU Liwei2
(1. Chengdu University of Technology ,Chengdu 610059 ,China; 2. China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. ,Ltd. ,Chengdu 610031 ,China)
railway bridgescournumerical computationtrack constraintsseismic response
U442. 5+5
:铁路桥因冲刷作用减弱了桩- 土间约束,增大了地震作用下的安全风险。本文以某高速铁路连续梁 桥为工程背景,利用OpenSees 建立梁- 轨一体化计算模型,研究了道床阻力系数和端刺对不同冲刷深度下 桥梁地震响应的影响,分析了轨道约束对桥梁地震响应及减震效果的影响,探讨非一致冲刷作用对桥梁地震 响应的影响。结果表明:(1)不同支座下桥梁地震响应随冲刷深度变化受道床阻力系数影响较大;端刺结构 对冲刷作用下桥梁地震响应影响较为明显;(2)轨道约束对冲刷作用下设置普通支座的桥梁地震响应影响显 著,而对设置摩擦摆式支座的桥梁地震响应影响较小;(3)桥梁减震效果随冲刷深度增加而逐渐降低,且冲刷 深度越大,轨道约束对桥梁减震效果影响越显著;(4)非一致冲刷作用下轨道约束对桥梁地震响应影响较一 致冲刷更显著。研究成果可为跨越河谷地区铁路桥抗震设计提供参考。
Scour actions tend to weaken the pile-soil interaction in railway bridges,amplifying seismic risk. Based on a high-speed railway continuous girder bridge,this study employed OpenSees to establish an integrated girder-track computational model,and examined the influence of ballast resistance coefficient and rail anchors on bridge seismic responses under varying scour depths. It further analyzed the effect of track constraints on bridge seismic responses and damping effectiveness,and explored the impact of non-uniform scour on bridge seismic behavior. Findings indicate:(1) The seismic response of bridges under different bearings exhibits strong dependence on the ballast resistance coefficient as scour depth varies;rail anchor structures significantly affect bridge seismic response under scour conditions.(2) Track constraints have a pronounced effect on the seismic response of bridges with conventional bearings subjected to scour,whereas their influence is less pronounced for bridges equipped with friction pendulum bearings.(3)Bridge damping efficiency decreases with increasing scour depth,and the influence of track constraints on damping becomes more substantial as scour deepens. (4)Non-uniform scour exerts a more pronounced influence on bridge seismic response compared to uniform scour under track constraints. These conclusions can serve as a reference for seismic design of railway bridges crossing river valleys.


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收稿日期:2023 -02 -20
作者简介:袁宇航(1998 -),男,硕士研究生。
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-10-30