[1]张玉华,李 澳,朱永辉,等.考虑焊接残余应力的钢轨铝热焊焊缝滚动接触应力分析[J].高速铁路技术,2024,15(05):59-66.[doi:10.12098/j.issn.1674-8247.2024.05.010]
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Analysis of Rolling Contact Stress in RailAluminothermic Weld Joints Considering Weld Residual Stress
张玉华1李 澳2朱永辉3胡伟平2
(1.中国铁道科学研究院集团有限公司, 北京 100081; 2.北京航空航天大学; 北京100191; 3.中国铁路济南局集团有限公司, 济南 250001)
ZHANG Yuhua1LI Ao2ZHU Yonghui3HU Weiping2
(1.China Academy of Railway Sciences Corporation Limited, Beijing 100081, China; 2.Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China; 3.China Railway Jinan Bureau Group Co., Ltd., Jinan 250001,China)
铝热焊 焊接热过程 焊接残余应力 滚动接触应力 有限元
aluminothermic welding welding thermal process weld residual stress rolling contact stress finite element
U213+9.2; TG 457.1
Rolling contact stress in aluminothermic weld joints plays a crucial role in rail rolling contact fatigue issues. In this study, static tensile tests were conducted to investigate the fundamental mechanical properties of parent rail material and weld metal. The Chaboche plastic constitutive equation was adopted to describe the mechanical response of both materials in the plastic regime. Utilizing ABAQUS software, the temperature field and residual stress field during the aluminothermic welding process were calculated. A finite element computational model was established to analyze rolling contact stress between wheel and rail, integrate the assessment of weld residual stress with the calculation of rolling contact stress in the weld zone. This led to the proposal of a method for calculating rail-wheel rolling contact stress that accounts for the presence of welding residual stress. Lastly, the characteristics of the local stress field within the weld were analyzed. The results show that:(1)The edges of the weld bear higher contact pressures compared to the center, and the presence of residual stress exacerbates rolling contact stress and contact pressure at the weld edges.(2)As the number of wheel revolutions increases, plastic strain accumulates in the weld, consequently influencing the evolution of rail fatigue damage.


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