 LI Weishi SHEN Yun YANG Ke SHI Chuanqing.Seismic Response Analysis of Base-isolated Structures Considering Bearing Temperature[J].HIGH SPEED RAILWAY TECHNOLOGY,2024,15(06):84-90.[doi:10.12098/j.issn.1674-8247.2024.06.014]





Seismic Response Analysis of Base-isolated Structures Considering Bearing Temperature
(中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司, 成都 610031)
LI Weishi SHEN Yun YANG Ke SHI Chuanqing
(China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co., Ltd., Chengdu 610031, China)
橡胶隔震支座 压剪试验 温度相关性 隔震结构 地震响应
rubber isolation bearing compression shear test temperature dependency base-isolated structures seismic response
为评估采用橡胶支座的隔震结构在不同温度下的抗震性能,采用力学性能试验分析橡胶支座力学参数随温度变化规律,建立隔震结构的有限元模型分析支座温度相关性对其抗震性能的影响。结果表明:(1)温度从20 ℃降低到-25 ℃,LRB500滞回曲线峰值荷载显著增大; 屈服后刚度、等效刚度、屈服荷载和等效阻尼比分别增大21.1%、32%、42.7%和11.1%; LNR500的滞回曲线变化幅度较小,等效刚度增大19.0%;(2)环境温度变低导致隔震层的总刚度和总屈服荷载变大,导致隔震体系的减震效率降低,上部结构的底部剪力、最大层间位移角和结构顶部加速度均较大幅度增加;(3)低温条件下,隔震支座的最大剪力、最大位移、轴向最大面压和最小面压均产生较大幅度变化,甚至会进入极限状态,危及隔震体系的安全性;(4)环境温度对橡胶支座力学性能以及隔震结构抗震性能的影响非常显著,隔震结构设计时必须通过试验或有限元法,结合场地气象条件进行温度效应分析。
To evaluate the seismic performance of base-isolated structures with rubber bearings at different temperatures, mechanical property tests were conducted to analyze the variation of mechanical parameters of rubber bearings with temperature. Finite element models of the base-isolated structures were established to analyze the influence of temperature-dependency of bearings on their seismic performance. The results indicate that:(1)As the temperature decreases from 20°C to -25°C, the peak load of the hysteresis curve of LRB500 significantly increases; the post-yield stiffness, equivalent stiffness, yield load, and equivalent damping ratio increase by 21.1%, 32%, 42.7%, and 11.1%, respectively. For LNR500, the hysteresis curve changes less significantly, with an increase in equivalent stiffness by 19.0%.(2)Lower ambient temperatures lead to an increase in the total stiffness and total yield load of the isolation layer, resulting in a reduction in the damping efficiency of the base-isolated system. The base shear force, maximum interlayer displacement angle, and acceleration at the top of the superstructure all increase significantly.(3)Under low-temperature conditions, the maximum shear force, maximum displacement, maximum axial surface compression, and minimum surface compression of the isolation bearing undergo significant changes and may even reach limit states, jeopardizing the safety of the base-isolated system.(4)The influence of ambient temperature on the mechanical properties of rubber bearings and the seismic performance of base-isolated structures is very significant. Therefore, temperature effect analysis must be conducted during the design of base-isolated structures through experiments or finite element methods, combined with site meteorological conditions.


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作者简介:黎蔚诗(1992-), 女, 工程师。
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-12-15