 CHEN Ran LIU Bingjie CUI Guangyao.Study on the Mechanical Properties of Large-section Rectangular Pipe Jacking Tunnel Segments under the Action of Non-uniform Jacking Force[J].HIGH SPEED RAILWAY TECHNOLOGY,2024,15(06):91-97.[doi:10.12098/j.issn.1674-8247.2024.06.015]





Study on the Mechanical Properties of Large-section Rectangular Pipe Jacking Tunnel Segments under the Action of Non-uniform Jacking Force
(北方工业大学, 北京 100144)
CHEN Ran LIU Bingjie CUI Guangyao
(North China University of Technology, Beijing 100144, China)
矩形顶管隧道 大断面 管节 非均匀顶推力 施工力学
Key words:rectangular pipe jacking tunnel large section tunnel segment non-uniform jacking force construction mechanics
为研究非均匀顶推力下大断面矩形顶管隧道管节的施工力学性能,本文依托某城市火车站涉铁预埋地下通道工程,通过建立模型,设置5种不同非均匀顶推力工况,对比分析了不同工况下管节最大主应力、最小主应力和剪应力的变化趋势。研究结果表明,在非均匀顶推力作用下,各工况各管节初始顶推时最大主应力、最小主应力和剪应力值最大; 随着管节所承受不均匀顶推力增加,同一工况同一管节所受最大主应力、最小主应力和剪应力随之增加; 随着顶管工程进行,各管节最大主应力、最小主应力和剪应力也随之减小。研究成果可为类似工程提供参考。
To study the construction mechanical properties of large-section rectangular pipe jacking tunnel segments under non-uniform jacking force, this paper relied on the railway pre-buried underpass project at a city railway station. By establishing a model and setting up five different scenarios with varying non-uniform jacking forces, a comparative analysis was conducted on the trends of maximum principal stress, minimum principal stress, and shear stress in the tunnel segments under different scenarios. The results indicate that under non-uniform jacking forces, the maximum principal stress, minimum principal stress, and shear stress in each segment reach their peak values during the initial jacking phase of each scenario. As the non-uniform jacking forces borne by the segments increase, the maximum and minimum principal stresses and shear stress experienced by the same segment under the same scenario also increase. As the pipe jacking project progresses, the maximum and minimum principal stresses and shear stresses in each segment decrease accordingly. The research findings provide a reference for similar engineering projects.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-12-15