 LI Baoyin.Study on Integrated Operation Strategies and Standard Systems for Multi-level Rail Transit[J].HIGH SPEED RAILWAY TECHNOLOGY,2024,15(06):51-56,63.[doi:10.12098/j.issn.1674-8247.2024.06.009]





Study on Integrated Operation Strategies and Standard Systems for Multi-level Rail Transit
(江苏省铁路办公室, 南京 210004)
LI Baoyin
(Jiangsu Provincial Railway Office, Nanjing 210004,China)
多层次轨道交通 一体化运营 城际铁路 市域(郊)铁路
multi-level rail transit integrated operation intercity railway urban(suburban)railway
Proceeding from the new requirements of regional multi-level rail transit construction at the current stage in China, with the goal of intercity railways entering the city center, connecting transport hubs and subways, and realizing public transport operation, the characteristics and functional positioning of regional multi-level rail transit passenger flow were analyzed in depth, and the key issues that hinder the interconnection between intercity railways, urban(suburban)railways, and urban rail transit were studied. Considering the construction and operation system and mechanism of regional multi-level rail transit, social and economic development, application of advanced technology and exploration of advanced modes, this paper proposed operation strategies highly suitable for regional multi-level rail transit. These strategies include the multi-network integration and integrated development of urban agglomeration, integrated rail transit passenger flow forecasting, a planning and evaluation index system for multi-network integration, multi-objective and multi-dimensional integrated operation management method, operational rules and management schemes, integrated operation management system, coordination mechanism and technical support measures for integrated development. With a focus on “networked operation, interconnection and interoperability, resource sharing, and intensive utilization”, this paper explores the establishment of a technical standard system for integrated transport services in multi-level rail transit, covering operational standards, management standards, and service standards, against the backdrop of independent construction, management, and operation.


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作者简介:李宝银(1987-), 男, 工程师。
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-12-15