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Review on Problems related to Vibration Effects of Ballastless Track and Analyzing Method in Frequency Domain
付 娜王闵文陈 果胡杨梅杜宸卉付文靖洋
( 成都纺织高等专科学校, 成都 611731)
FU NaWANG MinwenCHEN GuoHU YangmeiDU ChenhuiFU Wenjingyang
(Chengdu Textile College, Chengdu 611731, China)
高速铁路 无砟轨道 频域方法 功率流理论 EFEA法
high-speed railway ballastless track methods in frequency domain power flow theory energy finite element method(EFEA)
This paper focuses on the pervasive issues of environmental vibration, noise, and ballastless track vibration damage during the operation of high-speed railways. It primarily reviews the correlation between ballastless track vibrations and related issues, as well as the frequency domain research methods for ballastless track vibrations. The principles and applications of various frequency domain methods are summarized, and their advantages and limitations are comparatively analyzed to clarify their respective applicability. The results indicate that:(1)ballastless track vibrations are correlated with environmental vibrations, noise, and track vibration damage in terms of spatial location and frequency domain range.(2)ballastless track vibrations play a crucial role in influencing environmental vibrations, noise, and vibration-induced damages such as wheel polygonization, rail corrugation, and fastener clip fractures.(3)frequency domain research methods for ballastless track vibrations can be broadly categorized into those based on periodic track structure theory and those grounded in power flow theory. Both approaches are suitable for investigating the mid-to-high frequency vibration characteristics and related issues of ballastless tracks.


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基金项目:2023年四川省大学生创新创业训练计划省级项目(S202311553002); 成都纺织高等专科学校人才资助项目(RCXM22002); 成都纺织高等专科学校科研项目重点项目(2022fzlkb02)
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-10-30