 YAN Yongyi.Application and Data Analysis of Health Monitoring System for High-speed Railway Cable-stayed Bridges[J].HIGH SPEED RAILWAY TECHNOLOGY,2024,15(05):72-77.[doi:10.12098/j.issn.1674-8247.2024.05.012]





Application and Data Analysis of Health Monitoring System for High-speed Railway Cable-stayed Bridges
(中铁第四勘察设计院集团有限公司, 武汉 430063)
YAN Yongyi
(China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430063, China)
高速铁路 斜拉桥 健康监测
high-speed railway cable-stayed bridge health monitoring
昌赣客运专线赣江特大桥是我国首座300 m级跨度的无砟轨道高速铁路斜拉桥。为了掌握高速铁路斜拉桥的服役性能,验算设计理论,对该桥设计并实施了健康监测系统,并对大桥的挠度、支座位移、振动和应变参数进行了分析,并对结构状态开展评估。结果表明:(1)主梁挠度变化和梁端位移变化均小于安全限值,结构变形正常;(2)主跨跨中竖向振动加速度幅值最大值为0.121 m/s2,小于车桥耦合分析的竖向加速度幅值0.125 m/s2,梁体的振动性能及运营舒适度较好,结构基频与设计相符;(3)主梁应变受温度影响,总体变化幅值约64 με,转换应力为13.44 MPa,小于设计限值,结构受力安全。赣江特大桥目前整体状态正常,服役性能良好。
Ganjiang Super-large Bridge on Nanchang-Ganzhou Passenger Dedicated Line, with a span of over 300 m, is the first ballastless track high-speed railway cable-stayed bridge in China. To investigate the service performance of high-speed railway cable-stayed bridges and verify its design theory, a structural health monitoring system was designed and implemented for the bridge. The deflection, support displacement, vibration, and strain parameters of the bridge were analyzed, and the structural state was evaluated by the system. The results demonstrate that:(1)the deflection change of the main beam and the displacement change of the beam end are both less than the safety limit, indicating that the structural deformation is normal.(2)The maximum vertical vibration acceleration amplitude in the main span is 0.121 m/s2, which is smaller than that in the vehicle bridge coupling analysis of 0.125 m/s2. The beam is of good vibration performance and operational comfort, and its structural fundamental frequency is consistent with the design.(3)The strain of the main beam is affected by the temperature, and the overall amplitude of the change is about 64 με, The conversion stress is 13.44 MPa, which is less than the design limit, indicating structural stress safety. The above results indicate that the overall condition of the Ganjiang Grand Bridge is in normal health and good service performance condition.


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基金项目:中铁第四勘察设计院集团有限公司科技研究开发计划课题(2022K086; KY20230145)
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-10-30