 TANG Yuhao,FU Kailong,ZHAO Wenlong,et al.Evolution Characteristics of Deformation in Weak Expansive Clayey Slopes of a High-speed Railway Cutting[J].HIGH SPEED RAILWAY TECHNOLOGY,2024,15(05):106-112.[doi:10.12098/j.issn.1674-8247.2024.05.018]





Evolution Characteristics of Deformation in Weak Expansive Clayey Slopes of a High-speed Railway Cutting
(中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司, 成都 610031)
TANG YuhaoFU KailongZHAO WenlongWANG Shixing
(China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co.,Ltd.,Chengdu 610031,China)
高速铁路 土质路堑边坡 干涉测量技术 地震映像法 监测 承载力 翘板作用
high-speed railway soil cutting slope interferometric measurement technology seismic imaging method monitoring bearing capacity see-saw effect
U238; U213.1
The construction of high-speed railways in mountainous and hilly areas can easily induce displacement deformation of soil slopes, posing a severe threat to the operation safety of high-speed railways. To investigate the evolution characteristics of deformation of clayey cutting slopes along a high-speed railway in Guangxi, China, and to explore various methods for studying slope deformation, this paper employed satellite-based Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR)Interferometry to delineate deformation zones of the slopes. Furthermore, the time-frequency integrated analysis technique of geophysical seismic imaging was used to pinpoint abnormal areas guiding the placement of boreholes, complemented by monitoring activities, to meticulously examine the settlement and deformation mechanisms of the soil cutting slopes in the study area. The study findings reveal that:(1)Rainfall-induced reductions in foundation bearing capacity at the starting chainage position result in severe displacement deformation, with the overall slope integrity influencing a shallow rock-soil interface at the mid-chainage position. This serves as a pivot point for a “see-saw effect,” causing minor upward arching at the ending chainage position.(2)By employing a comprehensive approach, this study proposes that both bearing capacity reduction and the “see-saw effect” act as concurrent triggers influencing the displacement trend of the earth cutting slopes. These findings provide detailed foundational data for the remediation of issues in the study area and can serve as a reference for similar projects.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-10-30