 FAN Dingyuan YANG Fei ZHANG Yunjiao YU Bo HUANG Xinyu.Research on Evaluation Method for Passenger Train Timetable of Railway Hubs[J].HIGH SPEED RAILWAY TECHNOLOGY,2024,15(06):8-14.[doi:10.12098/j.issn.1674-8247.2024.06.002]





Research on Evaluation Method for Passenger Train Timetable of Railway Hubs
(1.国家铁路局规划与标准研究院, 北京 100055; 2.西南交通大学, 成都 610031; 3.中铁工程设计咨询集团有限公司, 北京 100055)
FAN Dingyuan12 YANG Fei3 ZHANG Yunjiao3 YU Bo3 HUANG Xinyu3
(1.Planning and Standard Research Institute of the National Railway Administration, Beijing 100055, China; 2.Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China; 3.China Railway Engineering Design and Consulting Group Co., Ltd., Beijing 100055, China)
铁路枢纽旅客列车时刻表 评价方法 模糊一致矩阵 运行图
passenger train timetable of railway hubs evaluation method fuzzy consistent matrix operation diagram
为满足“一日一图”的客运运营改革诉求,本文建立一套更加系统和完善的铁路枢纽旅客列车时刻表评价体系。提供了一种铁路枢纽旅客列车时刻表评价方法,包括获取铁路枢纽的列车时刻表和路网信息; 对所述列车时刻表和路网信息进行聚类分析得到枢纽旅客时刻表评价体系; 对每个准则层进行评价得到准则层的评价等级和所有评价等级的频数,根据所述评价等级和评价等级的频数计算得到每个准则层的主观评分; 为每个准则层建立模糊一致矩阵,并计算得到模糊一致矩阵的客观权向量,根据模糊一致矩阵和客观权向量计算得到每个准则层的客观评分; 由所述主观评分和客观评分相加得到每个准则层的总评分,基于各评价指标的隶属和层次关系,建立了一套更加系统和完善的铁路枢纽旅客列车时刻表评价体系,既对指导日常生产的运行图调整方向有重大参考作用,又能作为服务产品为旅客提供选择参考。
To meet the requirements of the passenger transport operation reform featuring “one diagram per day”, this paper established a more systematic and comprehensive evaluation system for passenger train timetables of railway hubs. It provides an evaluation method for passenger train timetables of railway hubs, which includes acquiring train timetables and network information of railway hubs; conducting cluster analysis on the train timetables and railway network information to obtain an evaluation system for hub passenger timetables; evaluating each criterion layer to obtain its evaluation grade and the frequency of all evaluation grades, and then calculating the subjective score for each criterion layer based on the evaluation grades and their frequencies; establishing a fuzzy consistent matrix for each criterion layer and calculating the objective weight vector of the fuzzy consistent matrix, and then calculating the objective score for each criterion layer based on the fuzzy consistent matrix and the objective weight vector; and obtaining the total score for each criterion layer by summing the subjective score and the objective score. Based on the membership and hierarchical relationships of various evaluation indicators, a more systematic and comprehensive evaluation system for passenger train timetables of railway hubs was established. It serves as a significant reference for guiding the adjustment direction of the operation diagram in daily production and can also be used as a service product to provide selection references for passengers.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-12-15