[1]曹 博,李明,刘俊俊,等.重载铁路路堑边坡极限状态法稳定性分析研究[J].高速铁路技术,2023,14(05):56-61.[doi:10.12098/j.issn.1674-8247.2023.05.011]
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A Study on Stability Analysis for Cutting Slope of Heavy Haul Railway by Limit State Method
曹 博李明刘俊俊胡朋荣
中铁西安勘察设计研究院有限责任公司, 西安 710054
CAO BoLI MingLIU JunjunHU Pengrong
Xi’an Survey ,Design and Research Institute Co. ,Ltd. ,of CREC ,Xi’an? 710054 ,China
heavy haul railwayslope stabilitylimit state methodcutting slopepartial coefficient
A typical cutting slope of heavy haul railway in mountainous areas (Longgong Station Area of Shuozhou-Huanghua Railway) was taken as an example,to analyze the stability of slopes under dead weight,dead weight +earthquake and dead weight + rainstorm conditions,and general separation method was used to obtain the partial score of action and the partial coefficient for resistance of heavy haul railway in mountainous areas under different working conditions,which were then compared with the recommended partial coefficients in railway subgrade specifications. The results show that:(1) In Longgong Station Area of Shuozhou-Huanghua Railway,the part of the railway cutting slope which is prone to landslide is located at 0. 47 times the slope height,belonging to the less stable and unstable slope. (2) The partial coefficient of cutting slope resistance in Longgong Station Area of Shuozhou-Huanghua Railway is less than the value specified in the specification. (3)Under the condition of dead-weight + rainstorm,∑Wisinθi increases sharply,which reduces the shear strength of soil mass,decreases the failure probability of slope by 10%,and the partial coefficient of ∑Wisinθi will decrease by 0. 1~0. 2. The conclusions have certain reference significance for the application of limit state design in the heavy haul railway cutting slopes in mountainous areas and have practical guiding significance for the safety design and scheme governance of railway cutting slopes in mountainous areas.


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